Top 5 of my creations:
No. 5 with Accident in Town of Torna. A car accident caused this bus to crash into a building leaving some casualties. A journalist went on the bus and took this picture of a dead bus rider.
No. 4 with Sunset over Fort Aegis. The place was nothing special, just a fort with bastions and what not. What I find special about this one is the lighting that captures that sunrise feel so well.
No. 3, The Confederate Charge. I sure as heck was a fan of that Gettysburg movie so I thought I'd remake that scene where the Confederates charged up the Union center. I didn't end up making the 3,000 Confederates, but I did end up with these nice looking band of battle brothers.
No. 2, Space Shuttle Launch. It was my third or second month on Roblox, and I had the great fortune of being able to join a launch to the ISS. Such good times remembering this one event that blasted my experience out into Roblox.
And we have No.1 with Brother Sergeant Antonius's Great Stand. I don't know how else to say it, the picture says it all. Enjoy folks.
Wow, those are some great buildings.